lundi, mars 28, 2005 Y 8:42 PM
i'll be damned if i don't!!! i went today to my grandma's, and today's visit would undeniably mean the start of another summer season of JL-"juan luna" (made it sound like tv show huh? man, if you knew...) not that it was dreadful or anything, but most of the time i am very unproductive (as if i really am productive!) and spend my days there slobbing, lying down and everything. i'm not a talkie or the affectionate kind, and that explains half of my staying in mundanity. the half? well, as the atmosphere of good ol' King Sloth surrounded and clouded my vision, i DON'T WANT TO DO ANYTHING. no summer activities... i might thumb myself, remotely (but still a little!) interested on something my aunt wants me to take up (i just wonder if that would end up in vain. decisions, decisions...) but my stays (for the record, i *think* i've spent endless summers in jl for around 6 years already...) aren't that boring. i don't intend to, but usually there ARE those moments where you might as well stare at the ceiling for lack of pleasurable activity... and YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO SLEEP!) there's the tv, where you can take the delight of viewing cable: cnn, hbo, etc, several channels that feature something good (IF you, by destiny or chance are in the right show at the right time). i don't really watch cnn anymore these days (but back in the days of the gore-bush thing, or 'radar-ing' for cute old journalists, i devoted -almost- my entire tv time to cnn or fox that the network logo was near to being permanently etched on the television). hbo is fine but usually shows vaguely interesting flicks, or the movies i've already seen and i don't really want to see again. etc is heaven-sent particularly for "queer eye for the straight guy" (oooh ted!) and "late night w/ conan o'brien" (and sometimes "snl"), and the inanely addictive dating shows... but (again) i don't go for too much comedy or trying to catch the drama series (sorry adam!) throughout the days i thought in idle intervals that there's nothing really good about cable, i stumbled upon WoWoW. it's a japanese channel that plays mostly english (and sometimes french) movies, and to tell you frankly it's a wonderful delight. it IS a lot better than hbo because wowow plays more recent films (maybe 2 years old from release) and they showcase it only once, whereas on hbo you will see "kazaam" four-six times in two to three weeks. and wowow does csi for me before lunch, and you know that's my favorite tv show. i seriously think wowow is meant for bored summer grumblers like me. it gives you a sense of wondrous fulfillment when it shows something you absolutely have been dying to watch. which leads us, in one way, to my main topic of discussion... over the course of today's wowow viewing, i saw that they were listing the movies they'd feature in april. since i can't read japanese, i just looked at what they were going to dish out... and eerily (nah!) enough, i caught myself ogling at the split-second scenes of "love actually", when i didn't catch when they were going to present it. darn! I WANT TO WATCH "LOVE ACTUALLY"!!!! i hope they don't show it only once... please... it's like My Favorite Movie That I Never Watched. i really don't know why i am so into this film. i've been itching to catch the movie when it came to the shore but never got the chance to (bad homework and the fact it played here in manille so briefly.. or maybe because my folks didn't want to watch it... arrgh). hugh grant. colin firth. alan rickman. liam neeson. rowan atkinson? (ha!) save for the last (please i didn't say anything!), i WANT to watch these men and drool over their celluloids. badly. i was driven into temptation last saturday when i *chanced upon* (honestly!) a movieplay of "Love Actually" by richard curtis (the writer/director) in national... i spent my time savoring the book, reading the scripts, looking at the pictures (especially with the dancing hugh picture... totally sweeping), and smiling at the answers in the "love questionnaire" with the cast at the back... i paid much attention to alan's (he is SO extremely beautiful..) when asked who would he like as his naked stand-in, his answer was "anyone liam neeson says. or liam neeson. whatever." ... then the question, is love really all around?: "no. love is a piece of shite." (or something like that. i just remembered the "shite" word, which was totally cute of him) his favorite romantic movie is "the philadelphia story" (great selection), he at 10 once fell in love with an 'Angela', "who had long blonde hair and was 15", and he didn't want to sleep with any UK prime minister. (many others said "winston churchill"... one said 'you'd just stay there all night in bed. hence, he won't do any damage to you'..) what a sweetie! but the fact of the matter still is: I WANT TO WATCH LOVE ACTUALLY! if it does come by serendipitously to me, then love is truly a wonderful thing. hallelujah. :) |
miss pollyanna. Ellie. legally mature but not acting quite like it. a number-crunching gal who'd take gigs on broadway any day. erstwhile essayist, currently a bum. will become a useful student of tomorrow... yeah, right! ;p playthings. idiosyncrasy. Me @ 2BU! The Casual Observer En Français En Chinois doppelganger. speakeasy. as seen on. lovely people. Des // Jubi // Bern // Shuri // Tea // Peach // Mysh // Steph // Hazel // Raissa // Kathy // Sel // Kaira // Kim // Tiff // Cathy // Diana // Vic // Ozy // Pau // Well // Maxi // Mark // PJ // Rich // Mervs only yesterday. to join or to meet? so much for a field trip. my favorite song of the moment : paper bag the words of the wise memoirs. mars 2005 avril 2005 mai 2005 juin 2005 juillet 2005 août 2005 septembre 2005 octobre 2005 novembre 2005 décembre 2005 janvier 2006 février 2006 mars 2006 avril 2006 mai 2006 juin 2006 juillet 2006 août 2006 septembre 2006 octobre 2006 novembre 2006 décembre 2006 janvier 2007 février 2007 mars 2007 avril 2007 mai 2007 juin 2007 juillet 2007 août 2007 septembre 2007 octobre 2007 novembre 2007 décembre 2007 janvier 2008 février 2008 mars 2008 juillet 2008 reprise. on IE 800*600. code. design. face. stock. ifx. Blogroll me! Who links to me? |