dimanche, mars 23, 2008 Y 1:31 AM
let's go summer

mood: still awake
song: Across the Universe - Rufus Wainwright

*heaves a small sigh of relief* finally, i am now entitled to a three-week vacation... i almost thought i wouldn't survive PsychoWeek (i detest the fact they have to torture us by squeezing all the horrible tests and final exams -- read: accounting straight four days -- every time the semester's winding up). however, i am still optimistic that i will leave this gruesome chapter of my life without a scratch. (i might be getting really bad grades influenced by my midterm performance, but that's fine :p) ... to withstand all these purgatory thoughts, i am joined by my comfort food (namely: pizza, ice cream, cake, tacos, chips... and i have yet to unscrew that bottle of Bailey's Chocolate Mint but i'm saving it for clearance day), and watching my favorite movies and Simpsons DVDs. and i'm finally utilizing my w660i (Giorgio!) properly, feeding it with mp3s and videos and pictures and Michael Johns (who is mega- <3 !). i am going to be a bum, yes!

footloose and fancy-free... i spent the first day of my so-called freedom with a couple of my cousins to Ace Water Spa. i haven't gone swimming for a while now (the last time was notably in Boracay), and i haven't had any spa treatments yet, so this thing is quite a first. after much deliberation, we were up to our 'bare essentials'... and then i noticed my spaghetti top was somehow loosened from all the laundry wrinkling, but anyhoo. camouflaged thunder thighs check, we headed for the the pools. since i didn't have my contacts on, i didn't have to be so conscious about taking a dip, that was until i saw my top ballooning and the rim of my pants floating from the force of the bubble jets that i swear i couldn't keep my clothes on from the blasting. :P

comedy flubs aside, i enjoyed the whole experience. Des, who has been there before, told me that the must-dips are the herbal pools and the freezing tub. i wanted to stay in the freezing tub (because they didn't have any cold pools!), but then i might catch pneumonia harhar. the hydrotherapy pools (as they were called) lived up to their names, since you can get blasted on every point of your body, at least relieving the pressure points. what i liked most was the 'bed massage' where you lie facedown and there's a humongous stormy shower jet focused on your back; and the chest massage which i used on my head and neck, leaving me totally relaxed from all the tension mounting on my skull these few weeks. i was also quite proud that i got to swim four laps in the big pool... and i know how to do my 'bicycle backfloat' properly!

watched "Horton" yesterday. fun fun movie! easily likeable animation, and the humor is delightful. i swear i won't tire watching it. surely beats the mammoths of "10000 B.C." anytime (which really, really sucked!). :)

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jeudi, mars 06, 2008 Y 10:58 AM
Maroon 5 @ March 5: won't go home without it

mood: very very pleased
song: Sweetest Goodbye - Maroon 5

my brain's all mush and i'm feeling groggy, but nothing beats last night's concert! it's a first for me, and i'm very satisfied and happy one of my biggest wishes was fulfilled this soon! MAROON 5 ROCKS!

(photo courtesy of RuNeFiRe (really good shots!))

dispatches from last night:
(i can't organize my thoughts, haha. save for a latter post!)
  • companions: S. (aka my mom, who's also a fan ha!) and A. we were already at the Araneta by 5pm! finally got inside around 6:20pm
  • the show started around 8:45pm (no front act), stunning us all. the place was suddenly packed (or i didn't notice them coming!)
  • the setlist was just as planned. there were 14 songs.
  • recap of songs: If I Never See your Face Again, Makes Me Wonder, Harder to Breathe, The Sun, Can't Stop, Secret, Shiver, Wake up Call, Sunday Morning, Won't Go Home Without You, This Love. encore: Little of Your Time, She Will Be Loved, Sweetest Goodbye
  • somehow i wished they also played Nothing Lasts Forever and Back At Your Door (Thailand had 16 songs!) but then i'm not exactly complaining. ;)
  • i wasn't expecting that they'd be good live, but they surpassed that expectation by a mile!
  • "If I Never See Your Face Again" is a great opener. "are you ready Manila?" wooooo!!! and Adam counting in accentless tagalog!
  • ergo, Adam Levine: *speechless.*
  • my favorite member James Valentine was the rock god of the night -- he was so awesome and hyper! he and adam was just rockin' hot!
  • Jesse (my other favorite) was really enjoying the whole thing. Mickey was banging, and Matt (who replaced Ryan) was super, he even had a solo before the encore!
  • the crowd vibe went up a notch as they sang "Sunday Morning" (9th track) and from then on. the band felt the love!
  • "Won't Go Home Without You" was the obvious highlight of the night. Adam fell silent and had a big smile while everyone was singing the chorus over and over.
  • i thought they'd be done with "She Will Be Loved", but then i guess the gods must've heard my plea and had my all-time favorite "Sweetest Goodbye" as the finale. i was so ecstatic. XD
  • lasted approximately 1 1/2 hour. quite short but i am dead happy.
  • for all the singing and screaming and bobbing and stomping and catcalling and on-high adrenaline mood i had last night, i acted surprisingly normal today. i even got to class early (even if i'm a zombie and all)
  • their concert was great timing for me. (it were held any day next week, i'll be damned!) again, the universe conspires with moi! hahaha.


    ... the concert's still looping in my head! what a night to remember. LOVE LOVE LOVE!<3

    **on edit: i guess this'll have to do for now. need internet withdrawal. save the fangirling after the finals! :p

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