mardi, avril 12, 2005 Y 9:53 PM
i was a no-show yesterday, oops ...but i don't want to let you down no longer! my roundup for the past three days: sunday: after much decision following a sudden bout of laziness (by yours truly), we still trekked to the mall. we watched 'closer'. and please, forget my intense anticipation with the film... and also, slowly forget my fascination with jude law. it wasn't at the most point good, i didn't understand it (my brain was boggled with clive owen's howling dammit), and frankly it was quite boring. enough criticism... but i bet i would've enjoyed cliche-d horror movies more than this. and another frustrating moment: i wasn't able to buy "angels & demons" by dan brown. unsurprisingly (yet i should've expected!) because the subject is coincidentally slapping knees with recent events (the death of a pope, etc), and "the da vinci code" generated more ire (and indeed more publicity) from a cardinal, the clamor and curiosity for brown's novels have increased to fan(atic) levels... and i guess the price will have to go up the next time i see it in the bookstore. awful for me, because i was already planning to buy before all this happened (sometime last year, but i didn't). forget a good summer read then. i now intend to read some forgotten books on my shelf, and reread old favorites... for the time being. i will search for goodies on booksale when i can. monday: my collapsibility with blogging came unforeseen yesterday. my apologies for that. monday, while i was thinking of a good thing to talk about (like my sunday outing was a little disappointing... later!), my left eye all of a sudden got so irritated with the contact lens, i rubbed it, took it on and off, and found my eye pained more and me looking like a puffed-out victim (the whole 'eye itch' thing alerted my nasal vessels and here i am, with snot and moist). it made my left eye closed for the entire afternoon... and so i spent the night in heavy rest. today: umm, nothing much. i got my grad pictures developed, and i can't believe that my greatest achievement to date was just over 2 weeks ago... it seemed to me like ages now, after a long time of not communicating (how evil!) with people i know... thinking of college... idly spending my vacation. in the pictures i wondered why looked like a grinning idiot... every shot with a wide smile and happy face. IS THAT EVEN ME?!?! one even looked like the "really?" surprised grin (which reminds me of edward herrmann). my joy was immortalized, my happiness captured. if only it didn't fleet away... |
miss pollyanna. ![]() Ellie. legally mature but not acting quite like it. a number-crunching gal who'd take gigs on broadway any day. erstwhile essayist, currently a bum. will become a useful student of tomorrow... yeah, right! ;p playthings. idiosyncrasy. Me @ 2BU! The Casual Observer En Français En Chinois doppelganger. speakeasy. as seen on. ![]() lovely people. Des // Jubi // Bern // Shuri // Tea // Peach // Mysh // Steph // Hazel // Raissa // Kathy // Sel // Kaira // Kim // Tiff // Cathy // Diana // Vic // Ozy // Pau // Well // Maxi // Mark // PJ // Rich // Mervs only yesterday. now here's something relevant royal schmoyal of 'blice' and men blogtastic. fits to the shoe! whew! hp and the goblet of fire bouncing baboons! hey jude (part 2) can't take my eyes off you... manna from heaven memoirs. mars 2005 avril 2005 mai 2005 juin 2005 juillet 2005 août 2005 septembre 2005 octobre 2005 novembre 2005 décembre 2005 janvier 2006 février 2006 mars 2006 avril 2006 mai 2006 juin 2006 juillet 2006 août 2006 septembre 2006 octobre 2006 novembre 2006 décembre 2006 janvier 2007 février 2007 mars 2007 avril 2007 mai 2007 juin 2007 juillet 2007 août 2007 septembre 2007 octobre 2007 novembre 2007 décembre 2007 janvier 2008 février 2008 mars 2008 juillet 2008 reprise. on IE 800*600. code. design. face. stock. ifx. Blogroll me! Who links to me? |