mercredi, avril 20, 2005 Y 4:10 PM
enrollment, semi-befuzzled my mom and i went again to ust for enrollment. again, it was me who had to go through the whole procedure (i better get used to it, or else!), with the paying and the id picture-taking and the uniform-ordering. it was pretty hot, i was hungry (due to dieting), i didn't have a fitful sleep last night, and the people were just too many -- the whole thing was quite excruciating. but good thing, i was early enough (8am, the exact damn time we reached there) to get in. and another good thing, i don't have to take the NSTP 1-year course till my sophomore year! my class is now officially from 11am-3pm!!! yahoo! i also took the PE class of "women fitness" (sorry, don't know any sport... and i don't wanna folk dance! :p) on tuesdays. sure feels like a whole new world to me... 4-hour classes and bumming around! :D |
miss pollyanna. ![]() Ellie. legally mature but not acting quite like it. a number-crunching gal who'd take gigs on broadway any day. erstwhile essayist, currently a bum. will become a useful student of tomorrow... yeah, right! ;p playthings. idiosyncrasy. Me @ 2BU! The Casual Observer En Français En Chinois doppelganger. speakeasy. as seen on. ![]() lovely people. Des // Jubi // Bern // Shuri // Tea // Peach // Mysh // Steph // Hazel // Raissa // Kathy // Sel // Kaira // Kim // Tiff // Cathy // Diana // Vic // Ozy // Pau // Well // Maxi // Mark // PJ // Rich // Mervs only yesterday. served best in the piano in's and out's woe and behold: a tragicomedy missing some people in the boob tube i was a no-show yesterday, oops now here's something relevant royal schmoyal of 'blice' and men blogtastic. memoirs. mars 2005 avril 2005 mai 2005 juin 2005 juillet 2005 août 2005 septembre 2005 octobre 2005 novembre 2005 décembre 2005 janvier 2006 février 2006 mars 2006 avril 2006 mai 2006 juin 2006 juillet 2006 août 2006 septembre 2006 octobre 2006 novembre 2006 décembre 2006 janvier 2007 février 2007 mars 2007 avril 2007 mai 2007 juin 2007 juillet 2007 août 2007 septembre 2007 octobre 2007 novembre 2007 décembre 2007 janvier 2008 février 2008 mars 2008 juillet 2008 reprise. on IE 800*600. code. design. face. stock. ifx. Blogroll me! Who links to me? |