samedi, juillet 09, 2005 Y 6:08 PM
thank heavens!

"Every day above ground is a good one." -- from Six Feet Under

i've been thankful lately for the many good things that i've come across with... think i wanna have to list them down. call this my "thanksgiving blost". so muchos grazies (at the moment) for:

  • having a comfortable, well-placed schedule (even if i have to wake up @ 7!)

  • coming to school early *enough* to do anything: review/lounge/internet!

  • my stomach getting used to the no-lunch period already

  • making good acquaintances/buddies of my blockmates

  • having mostly interesting subjects (and yes, the people who teach 'em)

  • having a fun class, 'coz at least we're pretty comfortable with each other now

  • ..and more than having a fun class, an intelligent & enthusiastic one at that

  • that i won't be alone when commuting home... :D

  • still keeping in touch with my closest friends & former batchmates

  • AND, the feeling of joy & excitement facing a new challenging day!

  • there. 10 reasons. and even if our classroom's AIR CONDITIONING is not yet working (and my PE absolutely s.u.c.k.s), nothing's going to dampen my spirits because i LOVE my LiFE!!! :-)