lundi, août 08, 2005 Y 4:10 PM

What are the things you enjoy even when no one around you wants to go out and play?
Honestly, i'm a homebody... so i really am:
  • listening to music. it relaxes me, gives me a quick jolt in the senses.

  • blogging. nothing's better than satisfying your beautiful angst.

  • eating! the universal pastime! :)

  • reading great stuff (newspapers, mags, blogs..)

  • making sense out of nonsensical entities

  • What lowers your stress/ blood pressure/ anxiety level?
  • sleeping and waking up right

  • doing absolutely nothing

  • watching comedy/parody/satirical shows

  • cartoons! spongebob!!!!

  • making people laugh, or just laughing

  • meeting my friends and chatting up

  • food. can't live without it.

  • hope that's good enough. SHURI, you're IT! :)