jeudi, avril 27, 2006 Y 10:34 AM
fugly is the new pretty

first things first, click the stuff on the box:

Self-promotional feature: Now, would you be a dear and tell me wtf I am! =)

mmm. with that being said, let's cut to the chase/s:

  • have a blisterrific summer y'all!
    i'd bitch myself into oblivion, but let me tell you that i absolutely hate the weather! (top reason why i don't like summer.) my sweat glands work overtime at this time of the year, with every movement calculating to a couple of sweat drops (yesss.) i keep on changing my shirts, wiping on towels, even while i'm indoors. more so while commuting under the cancer-causing sun... have gone a shade darker since my first stint in college! i'm too lazy to slather SPF (by the way, where's the sunblock? i haven't used any since the last swimming trip, which was back in the days of yore) and too lazy to get the brolly unless i walk a long distance. 36C/97F weather... i wonder how the people living in colder climates would react to this... this ain't no tropical paradise baby! sun + humidity + pollution in the metro = awful. what's worse for me (there seem to be no end for the worse) is that i CAN'T take anything cold yet... no ice cream or even ice water, because i'm still having the 2-month-long cough (i hate it... is this really a cough or something else!) and i don't know whether i'll even recover from it. for now, if only a daydream, i'd love to hop on a plane and go on a round trip to europe! and stay there forever! well, till june perhaps... *wee*

  • pc bonkers again
    fug the damn computer... it certainly hasn't stopped giving signs of "omg-i'm-old-and-i'm-about-to breakdown". THE CD DRIVE IS POPPING BY ITSELF -- AGAIN. i've had this same situation last october though that muffled down, and now the fug's back and it's gotten worse! it opens/closes from startup to logout and i don't know what to do. i hate it!!!! thinking it's been "fixed" just last month and due to that my antivirus program was *unexplicably* wiped out... i wonder if this popping is caused by a virus (trojan? from the forums i googled with regard to this prob) or if it's just worn out. funny though, i rarely use the cd drive... one thing's for sure: i need to get another antivirus quick. (it's still popping as we speak)

  • name-dropping time -- suggest a book please!
    vacation's always a season of idleness for me, so it's often the time i douse myself with words. it's always a habit -- what else is there to do? i remember spending last year's summer reading "wild swans" by jung chang for almost a month. it was a rich, thick memoir, mind you. so i think of doing the same this time... just to keep my fuzzy brain preoccupied. for this season, i have finished a part of "down there on a visit" by christopher isherwood (i didn't realize he was actually a homosexual till this... hmm), and currently reading "no longer at ease" by chinua achebe (the sequel to our 2nd year hs required reading "things fall apart", haha). i am interested in reading "the historian" by elizabeth kostova (dracula stuff? is it a good read? it's available in paperback already -- and it's thick!) and i planned to buy it for next month's reading, as a sort of vacation gift to moiself. (narcissistic biatch!) but when i dropped by the friendly neighborhood bookstore, i didn't find a copy! brokenhearted, i settled for a bargain buy -- a courtroom thriller, "juror number eleven", which i hope is as good as grisham's (as the blurb said). but still, i'd wanna get reading suggestions for a tolerable summer... bestsellers, classics, whatever. thanks!

  • late late AR9 buzz... and the rest of la la land
    i believe i haven't mentioned about Amazing Race 9 since it started... not that i wasn't watching (i do religiously, baby) but *maybe* because i got a little bored with the new season. it's back to being 'teams of 2', and now, nine legs after, only 4 teams remain... who will be eliminated next? (i sound like phil! *squee*) ... rooting for the hippies bj and tyler to win (they're the most fun... entertainment value... and they're smart goofing aside), i don't have multiple favorites. i can't remember hating an 'old couple' team until now (but fran & barry's gone!) and i don't find eric and/or jeremy cute (team brokeback! ;p). next stop japan!

    and guess what... i've lately been sneaking to watch american idol! staying up late wondering what all the fizz was all about... the only other time i watched AI was the whole season 3 (with fantasia) ... skipped season 4 altogether... i started watching the episode where mandisa got booted out (country week?). i actually don't have any clear favorites, since to me their performances aren't that consistent, and i'm still new to this season. (kellie's an exception... too cutesy with the audience/judges it makes me puke!) paris' singing voice is good (and like simon, i prefer that to the talking ;p) ... taylor's hmm... hyperactive? don't have much to say about kat and chris, this season's prepped-ups, since they're good at some / bad at some. all i can say for last night's ep was that i have got a newfound liking for "song for you" (sung by elliott... best of his since my weekly devotion started) ... it's a really nice song that i didn't quite notice at first when i was listening to michael buble's version many months ago, but when i heard it on AI, i 'dug' up the track and played it on the stereo and it was gooood! the lyrics are wonderful... very jazzy tune.

    and speaking of singing, i want to sing! seeing these talent shows makes you want to grab a mike and belt out! i haven't stretched my vocal cords a la whitney for almost a year, making me think i lost my 'powers'! waah! ;D problem is, i believe i sing the wrong way... i don't vocalize with the diaphragm... it's either from my nose (ewoks!) or throat. i just don't know how! maybe i should take david foster's advice and lie down while singing... la la laaaaa!!