jeudi, avril 27, 2006 Y 10:34 AM
fugly is the new pretty first things first, click the stuff on the box:
mmm. with that being said, let's cut to the chase/s: i'd bitch myself into oblivion, but let me tell you that i absolutely hate the weather! (top reason why i don't like summer.) my sweat glands work overtime at this time of the year, with every movement calculating to a couple of sweat drops (yesss.) i keep on changing my shirts, wiping on towels, even while i'm indoors. more so while commuting under the cancer-causing sun... have gone a shade darker since my first stint in college! i'm too lazy to slather SPF (by the way, where's the sunblock? i haven't used any since the last swimming trip, which was back in the days of yore) and too lazy to get the brolly unless i walk a long distance. 36C/97F weather... i wonder how the people living in colder climates would react to this... this ain't no tropical paradise baby! sun + humidity + pollution in the metro = awful. what's worse for me (there seem to be no end for the worse) is that i CAN'T take anything cold yet... no ice cream or even ice water, because i'm still having the 2-month-long cough (i hate it... is this really a cough or something else!) and i don't know whether i'll even recover from it. for now, if only a daydream, i'd love to hop on a plane and go on a round trip to europe! and stay there forever! well, till june perhaps... *wee* fug the damn computer... it certainly hasn't stopped giving signs of "omg-i'm-old-and-i'm-about-to breakdown". THE CD DRIVE IS POPPING BY ITSELF -- AGAIN. i've had this same situation last october though that muffled down, and now the fug's back and it's gotten worse! it opens/closes from startup to logout and i don't know what to do. i hate it!!!! thinking it's been "fixed" just last month and due to that my antivirus program was *unexplicably* wiped out... i wonder if this popping is caused by a virus (trojan? from the forums i googled with regard to this prob) or if it's just worn out. funny though, i rarely use the cd drive... one thing's for sure: i need to get another antivirus quick. (it's still popping as we speak) vacation's always a season of idleness for me, so it's often the time i douse myself with words. it's always a habit -- what else is there to do? i remember spending last year's summer reading "wild swans" by jung chang for almost a month. it was a rich, thick memoir, mind you. so i think of doing the same this time... just to keep my fuzzy brain preoccupied. for this season, i have finished a part of "down there on a visit" by christopher isherwood (i didn't realize he was actually a homosexual till this... hmm), and currently reading "no longer at ease" by chinua achebe (the sequel to our 2nd year hs required reading "things fall apart", haha). i am interested in reading "the historian" by elizabeth kostova (dracula stuff? is it a good read? it's available in paperback already -- and it's thick!) and i planned to buy it for next month's reading, as a sort of vacation gift to moiself. (narcissistic biatch!) but when i dropped by the friendly neighborhood bookstore, i didn't find a copy! brokenhearted, i settled for a bargain buy -- a courtroom thriller, "juror number eleven", which i hope is as good as grisham's (as the blurb said). but still, i'd wanna get reading suggestions for a tolerable summer... bestsellers, classics, whatever. thanks! i believe i haven't mentioned about Amazing Race 9 since it started... not that i wasn't watching (i do religiously, baby) but *maybe* because i got a little bored with the new season. it's back to being 'teams of 2', and now, nine legs after, only 4 teams remain... who will be eliminated next? (i sound like phil! *squee*) ... rooting for the hippies bj and tyler to win (they're the most fun... entertainment value... and they're smart goofing aside), i don't have multiple favorites. i can't remember hating an 'old couple' team until now (but fran & barry's gone!) and i don't find eric and/or jeremy cute (team brokeback! ;p). next stop japan! and guess what... i've lately been sneaking to watch american idol! staying up late wondering what all the fizz was all about... the only other time i watched AI was the whole season 3 (with fantasia) ... skipped season 4 altogether... i started watching the episode where mandisa got booted out (country week?). i actually don't have any clear favorites, since to me their performances aren't that consistent, and i'm still new to this season. (kellie's an exception... too cutesy with the audience/judges it makes me puke!) paris' singing voice is good (and like simon, i prefer that to the talking ;p) ... taylor's hmm... hyperactive? don't have much to say about kat and chris, this season's prepped-ups, since they're good at some / bad at some. all i can say for last night's ep was that i have got a newfound liking for "song for you" (sung by elliott... best of his since my weekly devotion started) ... it's a really nice song that i didn't quite notice at first when i was listening to michael buble's version many months ago, but when i heard it on AI, i 'dug' up the track and played it on the stereo and it was gooood! the lyrics are wonderful... very jazzy tune. and speaking of singing, i want to sing! seeing these talent shows makes you want to grab a mike and belt out! i haven't stretched my vocal cords a la whitney for almost a year, making me think i lost my 'powers'! waah! ;D problem is, i believe i sing the wrong way... i don't vocalize with the diaphragm... it's either from my nose (ewoks!) or throat. i just don't know how! maybe i should take david foster's advice and lie down while singing... la la laaaaa!! |
miss pollyanna. Ellie. legally mature but not acting quite like it. a number-crunching gal who'd take gigs on broadway any day. erstwhile essayist, currently a bum. will become a useful student of tomorrow... yeah, right! ;p playthings. idiosyncrasy. Me @ 2BU! The Casual Observer En Français En Chinois doppelganger. speakeasy. as seen on. lovely people. Des // Jubi // Bern // Shuri // Tea // Peach // Mysh // Steph // Hazel // Raissa // Kathy // Sel // Kaira // Kim // Tiff // Cathy // Diana // Vic // Ozy // Pau // Well // Maxi // Mark // PJ // Rich // Mervs only yesterday. sloppiness. crazy little thing called "lost" happiness is a nine letter word exaltations 04.05.06 it ain't over till the fat lady sings older, wiser, crazier! from doogal to google i hardly knew ye make my day, punk labradoodles! memoirs. mars 2005 avril 2005 mai 2005 juin 2005 juillet 2005 août 2005 septembre 2005 octobre 2005 novembre 2005 décembre 2005 janvier 2006 février 2006 mars 2006 avril 2006 mai 2006 juin 2006 juillet 2006 août 2006 septembre 2006 octobre 2006 novembre 2006 décembre 2006 janvier 2007 février 2007 mars 2007 avril 2007 mai 2007 juin 2007 juillet 2007 août 2007 septembre 2007 octobre 2007 novembre 2007 décembre 2007 janvier 2008 février 2008 mars 2008 juillet 2008 reprise. on IE 800*600. code. design. face. stock. ifx. Blogroll me! Who links to me? |