vendredi, décembre 23, 2005 Y 7:59 AM
holiday movies spree (1)

LET THE HOLIDAY SLOBBING BEGIN!!! *lol* yesterday was officially the start of our 13-day (not even a full 2 weeks!) christmas break, but i haven't shown up for class since monday because anyway, i'm not required to come! our profs' having their party last 19th right on our sked (so no one's supposed to be present), and the university's having a afternoon-to-midnight bash last 20th (i was too lazy to come... and there is a practical explanation behind that). so what good have i done to make up for it? have fun, of course! i met a lot of my old friends and batchmates in our alma mater's annual sportsfest monday afternoon, a semi-reunion of sorts... it was great to have caught up with them and even have dinner! (*smiles*) ... so that's one christmas wish granted! =)

and the day after was absolutely a holiday movies spree! i watched pirated versions of "king kong" and "the chronicles of narnia" at home... by myself... because there was nothing to do (as always). i am delighted to post my perceptions of both films here... because i have nothing to post (ha, cruel...) :)

lucy (georgie henley), edmund (skandar keynes), susan (anna popplewell) & peter (william moseley)"c.s. lewis' the chronicles of narnia : the lion, the witch & the wardrobe" was the second film i watched, but i'm putting this atop of "king kong" because i liked it better. i have never read the chronicles of narnia book series, and was enthused with the fact that it was well along the lines of j.r.r. tolkien and j.k. rowling -- fantasy and (children) magic that i wanted to see this movie version. i knew for a fact this film was in production around 2003, didn't know what the fuss was back then, but here i was, amazed with the finished product. it tells a story about four children (the pevensies -- william, susan, edmund & lucy) who lived in the time of war and had to be taken to an eccentric professor's house for safety. bored with the stiff rules of his household, they decided to play hide-and-seek one afternoon and in turn, lucy stumbles upon a wardrobe closet and makes it her hiding place -- but it's more than a wardrobe, it's a portal to an enchanted world. there's the white witch, aslan, and the battle of good over evil. gotta love that.

georgie henley as lucyit was a beautiful movie. i love the winter wonderland (even if it's the witch's curse) with all its snowy landscaping, and even more the lush, vivid colors of the summer... the set was so well-created. lewis has created such memorable, lovable characters... i liked mr. thomas, the beavers, and aslan of course. and the children were wonderful! they acted right for their ages, and made me wanna be part of their family (oh come on). i found susan (anna popplewell) pretty, peter (william moseley) is good to be my bro, edmund (skandar keynes) annoying at first but redeemable, and lucy (georgie henley).... lucy! she was such a darling... from the time she appeared, she was delightful... she had big eyes and a sweet face that makes you wanna cuddle her, very endearing... and she acted so good! how i wish to see her again! =D

i'd give this an A- for all the spectacle and goodies! :)